Thursday, May 28, 2009

TASER DEATH, yet another kid dies by taser

Another kid dies of a taser shock. Another parent doesn't take responsibility for how she raised her kid. READ THIS FIRST...
Now that you are caught up. #1) Why does this kid think its ok to run away from the cops? It seems like instead of people believing in cops, they are drawing away from them more and more. Its not a good trend either. And this kid's mom is reinforcing the trend. Instead of saying ," my son made a poor choice, and now he is gone." She is blaming the very people who are supposed to protect her. Say there was another boy who was wanted for something and he got away from the cops. Then that boy goes and shoots her son while he is playing in the yard. I bet she would be the first person to raise cane about how the cops aren't doing their job, and they let this kid get away, and now her son got shot by him. I realize her boy is now dead, but she also needs to realize what he did, and how it would look from the cop's perspective. How many times have you watched cops and as soon as the pull the car over, someone tries to drive off, or some or all of the occupants bail out. How many times do they get caught, and how many times does it turn out they had warrants? The taser is an excellent alternative to THE BULLET. It helps the perpetrators and the cops in most instances. Cops don't have to fight them, the perps don't have to get beat up, or have a dog bite them. All they usually get is 2 little prong marks where those electrodes pierce their skin. While this article likes to tell you of all these other people that have gotten killed since the tasers started, they don't tell you how some( I have no idea what percentage, could be all of them for all I know) of these people were high on PCP, or cocaine, or Crystal Meth, when they get shot, which pushes their hearts beyond their capabilities. Maybe this poor kid had a heart murmur or the like, either way, none of this would have happened if he didn't run away in the first place. Trust police, you might think they are corrupt. But if they are or if they get out of line in some way it will be found out. You have to give them the benefit of the doubt, if you don't more and more things like this is going to happen. And who knows maybe they will outlaw the Taser because of things like this. And then we are back to "learning disabled" people getting shot instead of Tased. I think the chances of anyone surviving the latter are about 100,000x better. Don't quote my statistics:)

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