Sunday, May 24, 2009

Be better informed, Animal Rights people...

I am watching Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days on hulu. This episode deals with Animal Rights. They had a Hunter from S.C. come down to South California and stay with a Vegan family. Pretty good episode besides a couple of problems. This lady who runs a farm animal rescue shelter, continually compares animal cruelty to the nazi's and the jews in WWII. And then, with all their knowledge and good arguments, you start rooting for them. But then this guy in charge of animal rescue goes and says something like "Oh he is a boy cow, you still want to call him sugar?" There is no such thing as a boy cow. Thats called a bull. I would think these people would have a little more knowledge of terminology such as this. I am not saying their argument is wrong, I am just saying if they start up something by saying "boy cows" this or "boy cows" that, they are going to lose credibility with anyone that has ever known anything about farms. Thats all I am saying. Also the dairy farms they always show are the massive ones that put the smaller dairy farms out of business. Ironically, those smaller dairy farms are usually the ones who DON'T use rBST, and have plenty of green, green acres for the dairy cows to roam on. So blame big industry, albeit big dairy industry, for most of the suffering these cows have to undergo.

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