Friday, May 8, 2009

I watch videos alot

I have 2 things. One is this stupid Duracell Battery commercial that comes on in between every clip that I watch on
Here is the commercial from the brickhouse company:

The first time you watch you are like "eh" but then after 3 or more times of watching, I am screaming at the computer, "why aren't you watching your kid lady?" And also it looked like she wasn't looking at him for maybe 5 seconds, yet he had time to get at least 100 yards away from her and find a balloon and also make his way back to her general direction? You know what costs less than that homing device? A piece of string on a belt loop. You know what costs less than that? Teaching your children that walking away from you can get them struck by a car, or molested, or murdered. Free.
The next thing was this that I saw on about a girl that texts 303,000 times a month because "i'm popular, I can't help it."

I would break that phone in half and say ,"guess what, now you aren't, deal with it." They say she gets straight A's and has a full time job? I might believe the straight A's part, but there is no way she has a job and texts that much. Also I just watched it for the second time now, and I noticed, instead of actually talking to the interviewer, she is texting someone about the interview while they are filming her. On the screen it says "what channel B" and she is replying "Kcra..." What the hell is wrong with people now a days? Why do they let their children get away with this stuff. I feel like a 50 year old dad, and I don't even have children. I can't wait for this girl to show up to her first Vector Based Physics class in college and flunk out because you actually have to pay attention. Or if she is getting straight A's now, then maybe basket weaving 101 is more her style. Bah!

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