Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ron Paul Gets the Shaft

First post YAAY. I have given into this, because I didn't like myspace's format. And also didn't want alot of traffic on my measley page. SO I have figured out that its better to host videos, text, and anything not related to my resume on other 3rd party websites.
Well I won't sit here and pretend to know anything about politics, but everytime I see Ron Paul on TV talking about the economy, I always wonder why he didn't get the bid for running in the presidential race. The great thing about him is that when he talks it doesn't seem like tap dancing the way other politicians talk. I have never heard him apologize for anything he has said either. I don't even fully know all of his policies, but I usually vote on people's personalities anyway...haha. Just kidding. As soon as I figure out how to do so, I am going to post that video I watched just now, onto this blog.
In other news I had a interview for a landscape design job which, according to the owner, would net me approximately 300 dollars a week part time. Which is fine for me, and I could build up my portfolio with it, and possibly get some CA(contract administration) credit for it. Since I am lacking in that department for my IDP(intern development program) certification. Not sure if I still want to go through into that field. We will just see where it takes me. More to come, I promise this won't be one of those once a week bloggings, I have more time on my hands now. :)

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