Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Oh how we dwindle

I remember why I always stop writing in Journals and Vlogs, and Blogs and such. Its because no one really reads this stuff that much. For the most part I am writing into space. Maybe its good that I write all the time into space, it lets at least some of my creative outlet OUT. Don't want to keep that stuff bundled in. I totally spaced writing a BLOG yesterday, I guess because I actually got out and did something active for once. You can't stay inside all the time, you know. THey say 15 minutes of sunshine per day is actually good for you. Keeps your color, gives you energy somehow, just don't get burnt. I went bike riding yesterday and didn't put sunscreen on my arms, and voila, they are now tannish. See, getting out can be good for you! Always use sunscreen!

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