Tuesday, May 19, 2009

My Judge Shows

Well if you are ever at home between 11am and 4pm like me, then you might have flipped through all the judge shows that come on. I still believe that there is no other gauge of where our nation is going than watching one of these shows. Oh and also COPS is a really good gauge. You may think that "oh well these people are less educated and don't represent the majority of our society." Well that is true, but it is also true that these people are responsible for making more babies than the more educated people. Don't even get me started on why there should be licenses to make babies! (A subject for another blog). Things that I have learned from these shows: 1) Always get any kind of loan in writing, and duplicate, preferably with a witness. 2) Never loan anything to family members unless you just consider it a gift anyway. Because you probably won't get it back, and you really don't want that kind of bad blood in the family. I would say just don't lend money at all. 3) Any money you lend to your boyfriend/girlfriend during the relationship will become a "gift" in their eyes, because they won't want to pay it back after you break up. 4) Used car dealers are sleezebags who just want you to buy their car, and will weezel their way out of any type of warranty they may have. 5) Also if you bail your boyfriend out of jail, in court he will say "I never asked for the money, it was a gift." After you break up. The list goes on and on. This is one of the best educations you can get on liars, cheats, and thieves. Check out your local judge shows today!
"Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining." "You are a vagrant, sir."

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