Friday, May 22, 2009

Click it or Ticket, give me a break!

Now I will be the first to say that wearing that seat belt will save your life. I have seen at least 2 clips lately of people getting thrown out of cars when they roll. A friend of mine in highschool died in a roll over. But this whole "Click it or Ticket" campaign is a wolf in sheep's clothing. In a lot of states they cannot pull you over just for the seatbelt thing unless you did something else too. Like not signaling to turn or speeding. Here in the Big T, they can pull you over for just the seatbelt. Tell me how this isn't a revenue maker? I think of how much money the spend on the stupid commercials for this stuff, that could go towards our state deficit. On top of all this I believe it is your RIGHT to not wear a seat belt. If you want to endanger yourself its your right isn't it? I mean smoking is still legal here, everyone knows that slowly kills you? The rescinded the motorcycle helmet law here, so how can you have a seatbelt law but no helmet law? That logic doesn't really flow too well. I don't know why they backed down on the helmet law, but I bet the reason has something to do with money. Money makes the world go round right?
Here is a pretty extreme example of what happens when you don't wear your seatbelt:

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