Sunday, May 10, 2009


Well I have to say I was really surprised after reading all the reviews on this place that it was not uppity at all. I don't know why anyone would say it is, unless they had a bad experience. I used their website to make a Guestlist. We were bringing 9 with us, so possibly this is why everything went so well. I got a text from the guestlist guy saying he only had 3 tables left and we would have to get 2 for 9 people. @ 300$ per table (comes with your bottle choice) I was not going to do this. I told him I was trying to get on the guestlist, he then replied that it was 20$ for guys and free for girls. I said ok cool, since thats exactly what it said on the website anyway. I was just trying to get in for free.
We got to the club and I told him again we were on the guest list. They said ok, and took us in the "ropes". We were then zig zagged through this hall which really serves no purpose other than to make it seem exclusive. And guess what we didn't have to pay? And from what I saw, I don't know where we would have paid, there were no places set up to pay. Maybe we got there early (10:30pm approx), maybe we just got lucky. But it made my cheap ass night. Of course as soon as we were in my lady and me spent 20$ on a Cran n Vodka, and Crown n Coke. So they knew they were going to get their money somehow. It was everything I had hoped it would be. Music wasn't as techno-y as I thought it would be. The glass balcony was open and I took some pictures of it.
The view was amazing, and we danced until about 1:30am. There were some drunks that nearly screwed my evening over, by spilling liqour all over my Kohl's shirt. But it dried out and it will be fine. Drunks are where ever you go, no matter how much money you have. Ever watched all the videos on TMZ? Well so there you go, don't be intimidated. Its just a club. PS if you are old like me, the dance floor is tiny and the speakers are big, so maybe bring some earplugs if you want to hear the next day.

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