Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Shortage of Stuff to Piss Me off in the World

Clean coal, I am pretty sure we have all heard the words. They were in the speeches of both presidential nominees. Yet, I stumbled upon this website that says Clean Coal Doesn't Exist. I mean just the words together doesn't make any sense to me. Here is a video from them...

Make the decision for yourself as always, but think about this: Why are we always dependent on all this energy THAT IS NOT RENEWABLE?!?! OIL WILL RUN OUT SOMEDAY. COAL WILL RUN OUT SOMEDAY. I don't care if you believe in global warming or not. You cannot argue against these facts. We live on a finite planet, with finite resources. Yes, of course solar energy may run out too, but in how many million years? Oil and coal can probably be measured in hundreds of years and not tens of thousands or millions. Like the video illustrates, we fight wars over this stuff. "Black Gold" "Texas Tea". All for what? They are going to run out some day too, and all that will be left is a giant desert with refineries that do NOTHING. Hey maybe we could convert that desert into a giant array of Solar Panels and Solar Voltaic Cells. Then they could own that and we could start fighting again over the rights to THAT energy. YEAH what a world we live in. I thought it was interesting in the video, how it shows that even a company such as CNN can be bought, just like a crooked city official. Got any other videos that actually show how clean coal is made?! Please send links in the comments area, thanks.

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