Thursday, May 28, 2009

TASER DEATH, yet another kid dies by taser

Another kid dies of a taser shock. Another parent doesn't take responsibility for how she raised her kid. READ THIS FIRST...
Now that you are caught up. #1) Why does this kid think its ok to run away from the cops? It seems like instead of people believing in cops, they are drawing away from them more and more. Its not a good trend either. And this kid's mom is reinforcing the trend. Instead of saying ," my son made a poor choice, and now he is gone." She is blaming the very people who are supposed to protect her. Say there was another boy who was wanted for something and he got away from the cops. Then that boy goes and shoots her son while he is playing in the yard. I bet she would be the first person to raise cane about how the cops aren't doing their job, and they let this kid get away, and now her son got shot by him. I realize her boy is now dead, but she also needs to realize what he did, and how it would look from the cop's perspective. How many times have you watched cops and as soon as the pull the car over, someone tries to drive off, or some or all of the occupants bail out. How many times do they get caught, and how many times does it turn out they had warrants? The taser is an excellent alternative to THE BULLET. It helps the perpetrators and the cops in most instances. Cops don't have to fight them, the perps don't have to get beat up, or have a dog bite them. All they usually get is 2 little prong marks where those electrodes pierce their skin. While this article likes to tell you of all these other people that have gotten killed since the tasers started, they don't tell you how some( I have no idea what percentage, could be all of them for all I know) of these people were high on PCP, or cocaine, or Crystal Meth, when they get shot, which pushes their hearts beyond their capabilities. Maybe this poor kid had a heart murmur or the like, either way, none of this would have happened if he didn't run away in the first place. Trust police, you might think they are corrupt. But if they are or if they get out of line in some way it will be found out. You have to give them the benefit of the doubt, if you don't more and more things like this is going to happen. And who knows maybe they will outlaw the Taser because of things like this. And then we are back to "learning disabled" people getting shot instead of Tased. I think the chances of anyone surviving the latter are about 100,000x better. Don't quote my statistics:)

SAG Politics

How long has it been since the contract for Film & Television has been up? Almost a year now. I agree that we need to get back to work, and get the hollywood economy back again. Lots of my friends aren't working right now because of how slow it is. What I do not like, is people like Alec Baldwin going against the main advocates for a new contract. This is old news, but I am just remembering it since I am now voting on the contract. He said that the Producer's last and best offer was good enough. New media is the big pull of the new contract, and the now SAG minority is complaining that we will get screwed over like we did when VHS tapes first came out. And after looking at the specs for new media, it does seem like very little income for actors, when advertisers are making LOADS. I watch HULU all the time, and guess who the spokesperson is? ALec Baldwin. Right after I heard that report on him supporting this final contract agreement, I saw his commercial for HULU. Wow of course you support that crappy contract, you are getting paid millions probably for the promotion of HULU. I feel like new media is going to effect NEW actors more than it is older ones. People trying to get ahead by doing webisodes and the like will get screwed over when it comes to revenues generated by said webisodes. For one episode of Always Sunny, you have to see 4 commercials, or one 2 minute commercial, which by television standards is nothing. But someone is paying for those ads to be on HULU, and I would wager many many more people are watching the same episode on hulu as they would on FX where Always Sunny plays. I feel something is just not right with this contract, they are using the economy as an excuse to settle for crap. I wish I knew what was really going on, I feel like we are just getting second hand knowledge from all ends. But hey I guess thats hollywood anyway.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bid on my stuff PULEESSEEE

For the love of god, someone just at least put my headshots on your watchlist in ebay, that way I know people are actually looking at them. I have them for 20.00, witch will barely cover the shipping. I know I sound like Sally Strothers, but give this poor boy a chance!


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

REPOST from old blog: Big Industry does whats Popular

I would like for you to remember back in th late 80's and early 90's when the whole paper or plastic thing started. Remember when we started going all plastic because paper was made of trees. And cutting down trees was bad. Now it turns out trees are "renewable" and plastic bags are made from oil in some fashion. And now everyone hates big oil enough to start cutting out plastic bags. Whole Foods has just announced that they are no longer having plastic bags. And they are going to encourage us to use re-usable bags, which is great. I guess it just sucks that it takes so long for industry to admit there are problems.
Another great example is "Who Killed the Electric Car". Which especially angers me as of late. I saw a GM commercial on the TV saying something to the effect of 'we are finding ways to get us energy independent'. YEAH, NOW THAT ENERGY EFFICIENCY IS POPULAR. Back when it wasn't popular GM took a bunch of money from oil companies to not make more efficient cars. Which they probably still do to this day. But back in the day GM made the EV-1 which everyone liked so much, it made 200 miles on one charge, all electric. No complaints from anyone as far as the engineering went. When it came time for the lease to be up, GM took all the cars back not allowing the owners to buy the car at the end of the lease. So what happened to all those cars basically stripped from their owners? They were taken to a GM proving ground where nearly all of them were CRUSHED. Basically someone in GM said these cars are just too good and we aren't going to get any kickbacks from oil if we keep producing them. I believe this was also the same time when you could get a 3k deductable in your taxes for a hybrid. Or a 30k deductable for a gas guzzling GM hummer for your business. Fast forward to now and they have GM "hybrids" that get over 20 miles per gallon..wowee! And 85% ethanol vehicles that get even worse gas mileage, and are dependent on corn instead of oil. Guess what? We don't have enough land in america to have enough corn fields to fuel all our vehicles with E85 fuel. (actual calculation by motor trend) But that stuff sure is popular now, even with the president. You also have to use even more energy to take the corn from the fields to the factory to make the ethanol. And I have already heard reports of shortages in edible corn because all the farmers are converting to ethanol corn because it pays so much better. So yeah I could go on forever. Basically the point is that if enough people tell industry they want one thing, as long as it makes more money industry is happy to oblige. THE ONLY WAY TO RID OURSELVES OF OIL DEPENDENCY IS TO NOT USE IT AT ALL. BIODIESEL and ELECTRICTY. No one is going to change until they have to and by then it will be really late in the game.

Oh how we dwindle

I remember why I always stop writing in Journals and Vlogs, and Blogs and such. Its because no one really reads this stuff that much. For the most part I am writing into space. Maybe its good that I write all the time into space, it lets at least some of my creative outlet OUT. Don't want to keep that stuff bundled in. I totally spaced writing a BLOG yesterday, I guess because I actually got out and did something active for once. You can't stay inside all the time, you know. THey say 15 minutes of sunshine per day is actually good for you. Keeps your color, gives you energy somehow, just don't get burnt. I went bike riding yesterday and didn't put sunscreen on my arms, and voila, they are now tannish. See, getting out can be good for you! Always use sunscreen!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Be better informed, Animal Rights people...

I am watching Morgan Spurlock's 30 Days on hulu. This episode deals with Animal Rights. They had a Hunter from S.C. come down to South California and stay with a Vegan family. Pretty good episode besides a couple of problems. This lady who runs a farm animal rescue shelter, continually compares animal cruelty to the nazi's and the jews in WWII. And then, with all their knowledge and good arguments, you start rooting for them. But then this guy in charge of animal rescue goes and says something like "Oh he is a boy cow, you still want to call him sugar?" There is no such thing as a boy cow. Thats called a bull. I would think these people would have a little more knowledge of terminology such as this. I am not saying their argument is wrong, I am just saying if they start up something by saying "boy cows" this or "boy cows" that, they are going to lose credibility with anyone that has ever known anything about farms. Thats all I am saying. Also the dairy farms they always show are the massive ones that put the smaller dairy farms out of business. Ironically, those smaller dairy farms are usually the ones who DON'T use rBST, and have plenty of green, green acres for the dairy cows to roam on. So blame big industry, albeit big dairy industry, for most of the suffering these cows have to undergo.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Click it or Ticket, give me a break!

Now I will be the first to say that wearing that seat belt will save your life. I have seen at least 2 clips lately of people getting thrown out of cars when they roll. A friend of mine in highschool died in a roll over. But this whole "Click it or Ticket" campaign is a wolf in sheep's clothing. In a lot of states they cannot pull you over just for the seatbelt thing unless you did something else too. Like not signaling to turn or speeding. Here in the Big T, they can pull you over for just the seatbelt. Tell me how this isn't a revenue maker? I think of how much money the spend on the stupid commercials for this stuff, that could go towards our state deficit. On top of all this I believe it is your RIGHT to not wear a seat belt. If you want to endanger yourself its your right isn't it? I mean smoking is still legal here, everyone knows that slowly kills you? The rescinded the motorcycle helmet law here, so how can you have a seatbelt law but no helmet law? That logic doesn't really flow too well. I don't know why they backed down on the helmet law, but I bet the reason has something to do with money. Money makes the world go round right?
Here is a pretty extreme example of what happens when you don't wear your seatbelt:

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jobless in the land of the American Dream

Now I have been jobless since this blog was started, and I am constantly looking out for more work to do. Web stuff, film editing, film producing, CAD work, just selling stuff, etc. When I am driving around dropping off resume's I can't stop thinking about how it might be our fault this economy is the way it is. Where I live I would say is middle class. People driving around in NEW mercedes, porsches, and other cars they have no business in. I could barely handle a 450$ a month payment for a subaru, and that was when I was getting paid well. People don't account for the money that they should be SAVING. They think that every month if they have ANY money left over, then thats fine. I am as guilty as anyone using credit cards, I used a credit card to pay the difference I lost when I had to sell the Subaru. (when you buy a car off the lot, at the first payment you are already upside down on it because of TT&L). I also used my credit card for school books and my SAG card. Now I have a crazy balance. It sounds simple, but NO ONE does this: If you don't have the CASH money to pay for something, don't buy it. Save your money. You will save money on interest, so much money. And most likely you will have better credit if you use your money correctly. Check out this funny but really true video:


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Getting rid of some stuff from a past life :)

I have for sale on ebay, 151 Headshots that I don't need anymore. As some of you may know I was a extra in some movies, and a principal actor in some short films while I was out in LA for 1.5 years. I still love to do it, but it doesn't really pay the bills. So I have put up a "kit" of sorts on Ebay. Its 151 headshots, a receipt from the place where I got them, a proof before it was touched up, and a card from the place I got them, with some instructions on it. ebay link:

And if any of you doubt the validity of my acting prose, here you go: Me in the Pickerell Kids:


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

American Idol : Who the F cares!

The auditions are funny, I will give you that. Some people just don't understand that they are tone deaf. But after those initial episodes are over, what is the pull to watch this stuff? We now have a guy who looks like a singing Freddie Prince Jr. and another guy who needs to lay off the make-up...errr I mean "guyliner". I agree with another TV personality that said that he is just a Musical Theater act that sings some rock and roll too. The other guy seems more like a musician, even though most of the people on American Idol could not be confused with real musicians. I gotta give Clay Aiken some major props for being on 30 Rock along side Elvis Costello and Cheryl Crow. His points went up some in my book. Back to American Idol, this is the top rated show of its slot I am sure, and it stretches its stupid storyline out more than Dragonball Z did on cartoon network. I don't want to say that you are stupid for watching, well yes I do, but I won't say that. Thank god its over finally after tonight. And I hope Glee can capitalize on some of the people that are too lazy to turn off the TV after Americanl Idol.

My Judge Shows

Well if you are ever at home between 11am and 4pm like me, then you might have flipped through all the judge shows that come on. I still believe that there is no other gauge of where our nation is going than watching one of these shows. Oh and also COPS is a really good gauge. You may think that "oh well these people are less educated and don't represent the majority of our society." Well that is true, but it is also true that these people are responsible for making more babies than the more educated people. Don't even get me started on why there should be licenses to make babies! (A subject for another blog). Things that I have learned from these shows: 1) Always get any kind of loan in writing, and duplicate, preferably with a witness. 2) Never loan anything to family members unless you just consider it a gift anyway. Because you probably won't get it back, and you really don't want that kind of bad blood in the family. I would say just don't lend money at all. 3) Any money you lend to your boyfriend/girlfriend during the relationship will become a "gift" in their eyes, because they won't want to pay it back after you break up. 4) Used car dealers are sleezebags who just want you to buy their car, and will weezel their way out of any type of warranty they may have. 5) Also if you bail your boyfriend out of jail, in court he will say "I never asked for the money, it was a gift." After you break up. The list goes on and on. This is one of the best educations you can get on liars, cheats, and thieves. Check out your local judge shows today!
"Don't pee on my leg and tell me its raining." "You are a vagrant, sir."

Monday, May 18, 2009

Lots of Time, to make up

One thing that I want to ask of you, if you are from another country, or if you are from this country and cannot read. Please, please, please, use the Post Office line of clerks to send your mail, instead of the Automated Parcel Center. I really understand that its hard to learn a new language. But this thing, the APC is open 24 hours at my location. So that means if you want to practice your english please go during a time that is not considered as "the rush". I saw a guy today trying to send a LETTER for at least 15 minutes. I am not even sure that the APC could do what he wanted, I think he was doing Airmail Certified, or something similar. Poor fellow, several people in front of me moved to the normal clerk line because he was taking so long. Which brings me to another problem: People who are on their lunch break, trying to send something that is really time sensitive. When I am in the normal line, it takes, on average, 25 minutes to get to the front. So don't act like you are about to bust a gut waiting, looking at your watch every 20 seconds. YOu are not the only person on this earth. Plan ahead better, and come at a different time. The APC is open 24 hours. I could care less how long it takes. I enjoy watching people sweat over time problems. Hey if anyone is reading this, tell me in the comments your funniest Post Office experience.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Flatulence Assistance Rectal Tube. If you ever watch Kenny vs. Spenny, you would know what this is. I think farts are hilarious just like the rest of most of you. The sound is hilarious. But I have one problem. I don't want to hear you fart, if it is in my immediate area, I think its disgusting. I don't want to smell it. I guess the problem is the smell more than the sound, the sound is funny. If people farted and it just made a sound, that would be cool. But that isn't what happens. That fart noise becomes a loud warning of what is coming your way. You better get out of the way or that fart smell is going to get all up in your face and make you gag like supermodel trying to lose weight. In my honest opinion there are only 2, count em 2, places someone should be able to fart without feeling bad about themselves. 1) In bathrooms, they already smell bad, thats where you are supposed to do that stuff. 2) Outdoors on a very windy day. I would say just outdoors, but then you get into the whole upwind/downwind problem. If its windy enough you will never smell it anyway. And just to let you know, its not because of the way I was raised, I had a father who was the type who would scrunch up his face and lean his body one direction for optimal fart extraction. Ok, well maybe this action scarred me so much that I don't do it myself. Who knows? I am going to put a poll up here about who farts in public. But for now enjoy this hilarious video:

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

No Shortage of Stuff to Piss Me off in the World

Clean coal, I am pretty sure we have all heard the words. They were in the speeches of both presidential nominees. Yet, I stumbled upon this website that says Clean Coal Doesn't Exist. I mean just the words together doesn't make any sense to me. Here is a video from them...

Make the decision for yourself as always, but think about this: Why are we always dependent on all this energy THAT IS NOT RENEWABLE?!?! OIL WILL RUN OUT SOMEDAY. COAL WILL RUN OUT SOMEDAY. I don't care if you believe in global warming or not. You cannot argue against these facts. We live on a finite planet, with finite resources. Yes, of course solar energy may run out too, but in how many million years? Oil and coal can probably be measured in hundreds of years and not tens of thousands or millions. Like the video illustrates, we fight wars over this stuff. "Black Gold" "Texas Tea". All for what? They are going to run out some day too, and all that will be left is a giant desert with refineries that do NOTHING. Hey maybe we could convert that desert into a giant array of Solar Panels and Solar Voltaic Cells. Then they could own that and we could start fighting again over the rights to THAT energy. YEAH what a world we live in. I thought it was interesting in the video, how it shows that even a company such as CNN can be bought, just like a crooked city official. Got any other videos that actually show how clean coal is made?! Please send links in the comments area, thanks.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

GM you make me laugh

Short blog here just to show you the desperateness of GM. I was perusing a forum where one of those link things showed up, so I took a screen capture. The rest is up to your interpretation.

I am not going to pretend to be a fan of GM. Its their fault they are where they are. You can't go on paying your workers 77.00 per hour and expect to keep making profits. You also can't expect the Government to bail you out, I don't care how long you have been in business. The best time I ever had in a GM, however, was their test event at the TExas Motor Speedway parking lot, where I got to drive a 04 z06 vette all the way to second gear! Which I assure you was at least 60mph before a cone lined turn. It was fun. I will give them credit for that car and the ZR-1. Thats all they get.
Do you think its fair for a company, ANY COMPANY, to get bailouts from the government when they continually post losses quarter after financial quarter?

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Five Star Rating

I have noticed alot of stuff online, reviews, and such, are rated in 5 stars. Let me tell you why this is not good for you to base your decisions off of. I will trust a 2, 3, 4 star rating over a 1 or 5 star rating any day. #1) There is no such thing as a 5 star rating, I wouldn't trust a place with a 5 star rating. It means some manager or person went in there and made a fake review. I also wouldn't trust when all the ratings are 1's and 5's. That means some people got really crappy service or whatever(1's), and some managers went in there and tried to level it out by putting a bunch of 5's. Also one of my pet peeves is people rating things at their highest. Highest = perfect, and there is no such thing as perfect. I remember I used to go on Hot or Not all the time. And I would see all these chicks with 9.8's just because they are showing their cleavage. Here is the problem with rating at its highest. You go to a restaurant, and wow was the food good! The best you have ever had. You go home on Google and write an eloquent 5 star review, praising the wait staff etc. Then next week you go somewhere else, holy crap.....this place is even better. Now you want to write a review...wait... how can you put more than 5 stars? You can't put a 5+ on there. And you can't go back and DE rate that last review you did. Now you are stuck. Thus you should only be able to use a 5 star or 10 out of 10 rating ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, preferably on your deathbed to make sure you don't accidentally use one again. Off the soap box now.

Sunday, May 10, 2009


Well I have to say I was really surprised after reading all the reviews on this place that it was not uppity at all. I don't know why anyone would say it is, unless they had a bad experience. I used their website to make a Guestlist. We were bringing 9 with us, so possibly this is why everything went so well. I got a text from the guestlist guy saying he only had 3 tables left and we would have to get 2 for 9 people. @ 300$ per table (comes with your bottle choice) I was not going to do this. I told him I was trying to get on the guestlist, he then replied that it was 20$ for guys and free for girls. I said ok cool, since thats exactly what it said on the website anyway. I was just trying to get in for free.
We got to the club and I told him again we were on the guest list. They said ok, and took us in the "ropes". We were then zig zagged through this hall which really serves no purpose other than to make it seem exclusive. And guess what we didn't have to pay? And from what I saw, I don't know where we would have paid, there were no places set up to pay. Maybe we got there early (10:30pm approx), maybe we just got lucky. But it made my cheap ass night. Of course as soon as we were in my lady and me spent 20$ on a Cran n Vodka, and Crown n Coke. So they knew they were going to get their money somehow. It was everything I had hoped it would be. Music wasn't as techno-y as I thought it would be. The glass balcony was open and I took some pictures of it.
The view was amazing, and we danced until about 1:30am. There were some drunks that nearly screwed my evening over, by spilling liqour all over my Kohl's shirt. But it dried out and it will be fine. Drunks are where ever you go, no matter how much money you have. Ever watched all the videos on TMZ? Well so there you go, don't be intimidated. Its just a club. PS if you are old like me, the dance floor is tiny and the speakers are big, so maybe bring some earplugs if you want to hear the next day.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Where to go, where to go

We get to go out to a nice club tonight. I just found out that its going to be a 20$ cover. Which I think is crazy, there is going to be a DJ there which I have never heard of. My problem is that I want to go--to dance at least. But I am so cheap that I don't like spending that much. And from the reviews I read online they are real sticklers for dress code too. As in "That Ed Hardy shirt will do just fine," but "those cherokee closed toe dress shoes will not work here." I don't own anything without a lace on it. I did have some fancy red shoes that were velcro but SOMEONE gave them to Goodwill. All I want to do is dance. And I think to dance you don't need fancy dress shoes. But I guess these paces are all about status anyway. So I hope we can find a hoppin' place where my Mossimo shirt and tommy hilfiger lace up shoes can go! Pfft..

Friday, May 8, 2009

I watch videos alot

I have 2 things. One is this stupid Duracell Battery commercial that comes on in between every clip that I watch on
Here is the commercial from the brickhouse company:

The first time you watch you are like "eh" but then after 3 or more times of watching, I am screaming at the computer, "why aren't you watching your kid lady?" And also it looked like she wasn't looking at him for maybe 5 seconds, yet he had time to get at least 100 yards away from her and find a balloon and also make his way back to her general direction? You know what costs less than that homing device? A piece of string on a belt loop. You know what costs less than that? Teaching your children that walking away from you can get them struck by a car, or molested, or murdered. Free.
The next thing was this that I saw on about a girl that texts 303,000 times a month because "i'm popular, I can't help it."

I would break that phone in half and say ,"guess what, now you aren't, deal with it." They say she gets straight A's and has a full time job? I might believe the straight A's part, but there is no way she has a job and texts that much. Also I just watched it for the second time now, and I noticed, instead of actually talking to the interviewer, she is texting someone about the interview while they are filming her. On the screen it says "what channel B" and she is replying "Kcra..." What the hell is wrong with people now a days? Why do they let their children get away with this stuff. I feel like a 50 year old dad, and I don't even have children. I can't wait for this girl to show up to her first Vector Based Physics class in college and flunk out because you actually have to pay attention. Or if she is getting straight A's now, then maybe basket weaving 101 is more her style. Bah!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Free Speech in the Modern Arena

I know I haven't directed anyone to this new blog yet, but I wanted to talk about free speech. There are two stories that I have seen lately that exibit good arguments for it, but where does that limit lie? The first is Nikki Costuras(sp?). She had a brain tumor and got treated for it with Chemo when she was a young child. Doctor's said that because she was so young it could impair her judgment later on in life. So fast forward she is now 16, and has taken to using cocaine. Now she takes her dad's porsche keys (a car she was not allowed to drive) and slams into a concrete toll booth at 100mph. The scene is a gory one. From the pictures I don't believe she was wearing her seatbelt. It looks like she somehow hit her head on the barrier while still in the car before the car crashed and came to rest. The police officers took pictures of this and sent them to friends and family warning of the consequences of speeding. Now the family of Nikki is suing for 20M dollars because they say the pictures should have never been leaked onto the net. What do you think? Where does privacy start and stop?
The next case is not so much cut and dry. The current Ms. California is in some hot water because of her stance on same sex marriage. Someone people say she should have more fairly represented California, but others say that she has the right to whatever opinion she wants. I really wish Perez Hilton would have asked all the finalists that question, because that would have been the most fair. What do you think about this? Let me know in the comments.

Ron Paul Gets the Shaft

First post YAAY. I have given into this, because I didn't like myspace's format. And also didn't want alot of traffic on my measley page. SO I have figured out that its better to host videos, text, and anything not related to my resume on other 3rd party websites.
Well I won't sit here and pretend to know anything about politics, but everytime I see Ron Paul on TV talking about the economy, I always wonder why he didn't get the bid for running in the presidential race. The great thing about him is that when he talks it doesn't seem like tap dancing the way other politicians talk. I have never heard him apologize for anything he has said either. I don't even fully know all of his policies, but I usually vote on people's personalities anyway...haha. Just kidding. As soon as I figure out how to do so, I am going to post that video I watched just now, onto this blog.
In other news I had a interview for a landscape design job which, according to the owner, would net me approximately 300 dollars a week part time. Which is fine for me, and I could build up my portfolio with it, and possibly get some CA(contract administration) credit for it. Since I am lacking in that department for my IDP(intern development program) certification. Not sure if I still want to go through into that field. We will just see where it takes me. More to come, I promise this won't be one of those once a week bloggings, I have more time on my hands now. :)