Monday, June 29, 2009

Airline policies juggle larger passengers

Another story off of YES, arlines should charge people for 2 seats if they are overweight. These poor folks need all the motivation they can get to cut that weight. They obviously don't pay very much attention to their health. They are charging for everything now, extra bags, carry on bags. They charge for bags that weigh over 40lbs, why wouldn't they charge for people that weigh over Another thing overweight people are directly contributing to is our health insurance premiums. 1/3 of people in America are overweight. Its easy to conclude that some of these people have insurance, and they will be using it for all their diabetic problems that are associated with their overweight lifestyle.
'"The airlines need to be making bigger seats," said Peggy Howell, a spokeswoman for the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, a group based in San Francisco, California. "It's not safe to be cramming us into two seats."' I feel sorry for the flight attendants that have to deal with this every day. I cannot believe there is an "association to advance fat acceptance." This kind of goes back to my whole argument about overpopulation. Just like people that have too many babies when they can't afford it, obese people are using a little more than their fair share. You have the right to do whatever you want, until that right infringes onto someone else's rights. And when you have to "squeeze" into a seat, and your body is hanging into my seat, that is infringement on my rights. Everyone should be treated with respect, do onto they say. But just like smoking, or drinking too much, there has to be consequences for over indulgence. This new airline seat policy is one of them. Just think of it this way: Do you pay the same price for one plate of Pad Thai and one plate of Pad Thai with spring rolls? No you don't. Another way to look at it: Is it the same price to ship a CD USPS, as it is to ship an Entire season of Friends? Nope. Also who is supposed to pay for all those Seat Belt Extenders? Me? I don't think so.

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