Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Ahhh the art of Tipping

And I don't mean cow tipping, well unless your wait staff is unusually heavy set it wouldn't be considered cow tipping. I am talking about tipping your waiter/waitress, movers, carhop, car washer, etc. I was in a discussion with a friend on how much to tip a mover. First of all, I guess it depends on if these people get a fair wage. But then again, why should you have to make up the difference if they don't get a fair wage? You didn't choose their career, its a free country right? A good example is being a waiter at your local restaurant. They give you 2.55 or some crap per hour. Then on top of that you get tips? Add that all up what do you get per hour per night of work? Maybe 10$ per hour with tips? I don't know. But now compare that to a Barista at your local Starbucks. They get at least 8.00/hr, and they also get tips, albeit not as large as a restaurant but they still get them. They also offer health care, pretty good health care, for anyone working more than 20 hours per week. I guess my point is that if you are complaining that people don't tip enough you are at the wrong job. Its like working for commission and griping that you aren't selling enough. Its your fault. There will always be a steady inflow of teenage kids in High School to work all these crappy jobs, so move on and find something worth while.
And by the way waiters and waitresses, I am not going to give you more than 20% tip. I remember when 15% tip was good enough, now people have made it 20%. Its the same job you have always been doing, you can't say "inflation" because I am giving you a flat percentage that goes up with inflation. 20% is my best and final offer!

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