Wednesday, June 17, 2009

My Cheapness SCREAMS out with GLEE! this point in my life I would really love a home, and a garage for all my stuff, and I wish places like this existed in my city.
This house, although not in its current form, was bought for a measly 100$. Its in Detroit, yes, probably not the best of neighborhoods, but when would you ever get to nab something so cheap again? This almost seems like a Samuel Mockbee(rural studio) project, in the city at least. The way they are making a community out of this area again is really uplifting.
The only problem I see with places, and communities like this one (E.g. New Oreleans after Katrina) is keeping the bad element out. People get scared and leave their homes, and then the bad element wins. Gangs, crime in general should not exist. As long as we band together as a society to make sure the bad element can't get a stronghold on our cities, we can win. One city at a time, lets convert these criminals to community leaders. "F#CK THA CRIMINALS coming straight from the underground." As soon as crime is more dangerous than the spoils they reap from committing it, it will cease to exist.

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