Monday, June 22, 2009

A note about overpopulation and starvation...

The whole sponsor the child thing has been around forever it seems. This poor child is starving to death in some 3rd world country. This is a horrible circumstance. Sometimes I do wonder, though. Why we spend so much money on sending food, why do we not send information and samples of contraception. Maybe we do, I never hear about it. These poor starving people, have TOO many poor starving children. A lot of these countries do not believe in contraception for one reason or another. We really need to change that. Its all a lack of knowledge. Its not just 3rd world countries either, its right here in our back yard. I watch shows, where mom's don't know who their baby's daddy is. "Baby Daddy" should not even exist in this world. It should be husband, or ex husband, or partner for life. These ignorant, ignorant people who don't use contraception for whatever reasons(religious, selfish, etc) are filling the world up with fatherless children. These children won't have a role model, a sufficient childhood, a father figure, any type of equaling male influence. And this is dangerous, for their family hierarchy, and for society in general.
When it comes to starvation, there will be a time when we are not able to keep up with the demand on food, anywhere in the world. Just look at our growth rates. We need to cap off this crazy growth. I like the idea of "baby licenses." You have to pass a test just like driving, to make sure you are fit to be parents. Everyone should have the privilege of having their own baby. I don't think everyone should have the right. Right now its easier to have a baby than to:
A) Buy a gun
B) Get birth control pills
C) Buy condoms
D) Get health care to cover that new baby
Just some food for thought.

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