Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I'd like to open up the floor...

I think I may have mentioned that I did a stint out in LA. Doing everything from short films to background extra work. A friend of mine does acting, stand in work, background work, short film work, editing, etc. etc. And if you are thinking about moving there, there is no better time than now. I would advise you do save up some money though. I check out alot to see whats going on in the industry. But if you ever had any questions about what its like to be out there, doing the whole acting thing, please ask. I would be glad to share any information I have with you. I would try to answer "aloud" on this blog so everyone can read it, I can anonymize your names if you like. I don't have all the advice in the world, but I do have some. I will be brutally honest with you and not sugar coat LA at all. Its a great place to live, and expensive to boot. Please forward all questions to Look forward to hearing from you.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Harvard Professor vs. The cops

Its all over the news, and I have seen that picture of the irate College Prof. on the front porch of his own home. I think a lot of mistakes were made. If I were a cop, I wouldn't take a guy in for being angry in his own house area, unless he made threats. If I were the professor I wouldn't have gotten so angry, after all the cop was just doing his job. If some other black guy had been attempting to break down the door, or so it seemed, wouldn't you have loved for the cops to show up so they can arrest him? Thank you for saving my house kind officer. You have to understand how it looked from the cop's point of view. And you also have to understand how it looks from the african american home owner's point of view. Well I am glad its all settled down now, whats that you say? President Obama called the police officer's action stupid? Oh great, here we go again. Let a dead dog lie. Geez.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Windows on OSX, but OSX on a PC= Illegal!

What gives? I am looking to get a new computer, perusing hackintosh forums, and can't get over the fact that if you run OSX on a windows PC its basically illegal. Apple has had commercials bragging that vista runs faster on a Mac than a PC. But any mention of running OSX on a PC, and here comes that SLA, license agreement chatter. Its illegal, you are pirating! Thats what they say. But aren't monopolies illegal as well? I used to think that Windows was horrible, with certain sites being blocked unless you are running the latest version of Explorer. I will take my Firefox thank you! But Apple is just as bad, not allowing their OS to be put on any other machines than Macs? Its the equivalent of someone saying "And whatever you do, do not, I REPEAT DO NOT, drive my Ferrari with the keys in it while I am gone. I don't like being told what to do. I want my cake and I want to eat it too. My challenge to you Apple: Make the OSX available to everyone. I WILL buy it if you do so. And I WILL put it on my 800$ Mac Pro Clone, that runs just the same as a real one.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The language barrier in our country

I will probably catch some flack for this one. And let me preface this by saying I am not against immigration from any countries. With that being said, I have noticed a great trend of people not wanting, or having the need to learn English here in DFW. I had an instance at work today, where a couple asked for someone who could speak spanish. I gladly assisted them. I even tried my hand at spanish a little, when I was reading the total of their purchase.
I don't understand why we make it so easy for everyone to not learn the national language here. Are we afraid of offending people by making them learn the national language? I mean if you go anywhere else besides here, you would be expected to learn the language if you are staying there for any amount of time. Unless its an english language program abroad of course. I have to tell you that I am torn. I want to be able to understand people, and therefore I want to learn spanish, because that is the biggest secondary language that exists here. On the other hand though, I really feel stupid having to learn another language in my own country. (I am going to pick on hispanics here a little) Every other immigrant from every other country doesn't have the luxury of things being written in their language under the english signs. So why should we cater to one language or another? I feel like that is unfair to everyone.
I will probably be getting Rosetta Stone Spanish soon. So that I can get paid more for being b-lingual. But I am not happy about it.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Skinny People were never FAT

With all the buzz about being skinny, which is the way it has ALWAYS been in hollywood, there is a new trend I have seen in commercials. Its using genetically skinny people to show how losing weight is easy. The one commerical that comes to mind is Special K. They have some girl on there that is probably a size 1, looking at her bathing suit, everyday, eating special K until she can fit back into it again. The thing is, she was never fat, or thick to begin with. And this is the way she looks on camera, in real life she must be a rail, twig, stick-like figure.
I have seen in person some people, who on film have been criticized for being a little thick. In person they look what I would consider a normal healthy weight. Just like magazines, the movies and film industry are putting out this impossible image for people to mimic. A normal person will not have a makeup crew, lighting crew, trainer, soft focus, etc. etc, to follow them around at all times. Yet people everyday continue to try and look like these photoshopped head shots of celebrities. I say be yourself, and as long as that isn't endangering your health, that should be good enough.
Thank you!

Friday, July 17, 2009


I know its not Earth Day or anything, but I was just thinking about how cheap I am, and how that plays a good part in saving the environment. I have a list of things that I re-use that maybe you haven't thought about to re-use yet.
1. Ice: If you change beverages instead of changing ice, just rinse off quickly and now you have new ice.
2. Plastic Bags: They are bad, but if you already have them, use them for kitty litter, oily stuff, chicken discard, any thing that stinks, they really do have a thousand and one uses.
3. Plastic Bottles: Yes before those fancy aluminum bottles were around people re-used their dasani bottles for free. Yes they have some plastics that give off BPA or whatever, but no one heats their bottles up in an oven, do you?
4. Crayons: you can melt them back together in a muffin pan and make HUGE crayons, or you can melt them into any shape you want with foil. Put a wick in them and you have artsy candles.
5. Paper: If you have misprinted something on paper, you can shred it, or you can use it for your next grocery list before you shred it. You can use shredded paper for paper mache, or other paper projects.
6. Aluminum: I used one of those fancy aluminum bottles that got mildewy for a scooter exhaust. I drilled holes in a pipe, filled the bottle with fiberglass, put the pipe through the bottle, and now the scooter sounds really nice instead of overly loud. Yay for sound pollution.
7. Guitar Strings: If you break one or more strings and get a new set, use the old set for a "altoid tin" guitar, or Shoebox Guitar. Look it up on
Thats all I can think of right now. Enjoy!

Oldest Woman to give Birth dies at 69

Another pull, and another reason there SHOULD BE BABY LICENSES. Do you remember that old woman that had twins a few years ago? They made fun of her on the Craig Ferguson show. She was 66 when she had twins, supposedly the oldest woman to give birth. Well now she has died and left behind orphans. Her selfishness has left behind 2 motherless children. I hope they can find some relative to take care of them...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Russian human rights activist kidnapped, killed

Well just when you think your country may not be that cool anymore, at least Human Rights Activists in this country aren't killed for their beliefs. Well at least none publicly. This poor woman was taken by force outside of her home, and later found dead in a neighboring country according to CNN.
Every time I see stories like this I am reminded how nice it is to be able to speak one's mind here in the USA. Sure nobody may listen for a long time, but as long as you aren't pissing off the wrong people you will not be shot, or kidnapped. This excludes big oil, I think they would do anything to keep alternative fuels out of the mix.
Check out this guy who made an electrolysis generator for his Dune Buggy.
He was found dead under suspicious circumstances. I guess speaking your mind is the ultimate right, but be careful because no matter how stable a country is, "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

Monday, July 13, 2009

Tell me there is no God or Karma :)

I'm so ronery. He won't be that "ronery" any more if he dies and goes to hades. According to "intelligence" sources, Kim Jung Il has Pancreatic Cancer. We will soon find out if this is rumor or fact.

I just cannot stop laughing about this one...

The video should read "Idiot Teen Unaware of Gaping Manhole, because of Disconnect with Reality."

She could have stepped out into oncoming traffic and the effects would have been a lot worse.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Seriously, do people need any help to be MORE fake?

I saw this ad about Cartooning yourself, and laughed, because there is barely any noticable difference between the original photo and the cartoon. Whats this fascination with girls looking like street walkers, or strippers. I have also noticed this disturbing trend in my area of girls doing these black streaks in blond hair, or colored streaks in darker hair. STREET WALKERS! Whatever happened to natural beauty? Thanks Hollywood.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

See Anyone Can do it, why can't automakers?

The answer isn't a simple one. Check out this 17 year old that built an electric car out of a forklift motor and an old escort.

This motivates me even more. My only setback is not having a house to charge it at. 11 miles would still be plenty of range for most people. Be. Do. Act.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Philanthropist vs. the Actor

While I was doing my short stint as an actor in LA, and continuing now in Texas, I always wondered about the whole dream of acting and why people choose it. First of all, if you are thinking of acting, by all means there is no better time to do it than NOW. I would save up about 10k dollars before you leave because living in LA is expensive, and that will give you some time to get ready for the whole experience.
I saw a preview for the show "the Philanthropist" which of course is not a reality show. Its a show about some billionaire that has a change of direction and decides to start helping people in his life. The funny thing about it, is that while the show is entertaining, how is it actually helping people in the world? Well besides keeping them at home for an hour at a time while they could be volunteering at their local shelter. Please let me know if they are part of some kind of program where 50% of their advertisement proceeds go to charity or something.
Also, while some actors enjoy some of the highest pay rates of anyone in the world, how many of them give their money to good causes? It doesn't matter how much you give, like they say "it all adds up." Actors aren't the only ones living it up while their fellow man lives under a bridge. Look at your parking lot outside where you live, work, etc. How many SUV's are out there? How many of those people ever take those Range Rover/Land Rovers anywhere besides the local car wash to get detailed? People are selfish. Its just a fact. And while I believe whole heartedly that some people LIVE to act. There are others in it for the wrong reasons, and they would be much better suited doing something for the world rather than being set dressing for the rest of their lives. There are famous actors in this category as well.
I guess all I am trying to say is: Make sure you are doing something you like that is actually "rewarding" to you and not just a quick way to a buck. All that emotional baggage will catch up to you someday if you are in a crap job.
Even acting can be NON selfish if you are making a movie about a subject or cause that isn't well known, thereby bringing more public attention to this cause. Comedies bring people laughter in this time of people losing their jobs. I don't know where I stand on this issue anymore:)

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

How was your 4th?

We actually got a 4 day weekend, which was nice. Now that I am starting a new job, I probably won't have any of those for a while. This was also the first 4th in a long, long time that we didn't do any fireworks, or watch any fireworks. I was too busy workin' on the moped. Maybe later I will post pictures of my homemade muffler out of a aluminum water bottle. We went through alot of junk at our rents house. Not drama, but rather real junk from the 80's. Found a couple of pristine "Indiglo" Timex watches. Also one really nice Swatch Watch. It needs a new band. I hope they still sell those separately. Sold some Sarah Brightman DVD's on ebay, I didn't know that anyone besides my grandmother knew who Sarah Brightman was. I listened to one of her CD's and she sings well, but I think its more about her presentation on stage. In my new job I go in today and listen to those great motivational/instructional tapes that they have. I haven't done this sort of thing since Burger King. Can't wait to see what my a/c bill is going to be this month. Even though we left it on 83* I still think its going to be really high, as it was constantly running most of the month.
On the music front, as soon as I get a nice drum machine, or make better beats on Garageband, I will put up some new music. But for now here is my page

also check out this creepy video, about firework safety/anti firework propaganda. I thought it would be strange to be driving by this next to the Washington Monument, I hope they gave all the motorists advanced warning, or you might have another "low flying plane in NY" panic moment.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kevin Jonas Gets Engaged

At the risk of appearing like a gossip columnist, I decided to write about Mr. Jonas getting married here.,,20288983,00.html?cnn=yes
I have gotten into the habit of reading books by their cover. And its a habit that pays off usually. When it comes to buying things from shady looking places. As they say "Your first impression is usually the right one." That is almost the polar opposite of "You can never judge a book by its cover." Anyway, I came upon this article about Kevin Jonas, and this girl from NJ getting engaged. I look at the picture, the first thing I think is "That chick is 22?"

I have noticed that this obsession over tanning has really led some girls to look way older than they really are. Now Kevin I can't say looks 21, but he still has that "wet behind the ears" look, just as I did when I was his age. And I believe to some extent I was wet behind the ears. People shouldn't get married before 23 I don't think. Especially people that are worth millions of dollars. Research has shown that those young marriages are far more likely to fail than the ones that start in the mid to late 20's. All I am saying Kev is wait it out a little longer. If she starts getting impatient, and starts mentally spending your money before you are even married, its time to get away. Far, far, away. Also if you are marrying this woman because you are waiting for marriage to have sex, just because she is pretty doesn't mean the sex will be good. Just some food for thought. In conclusion, sex is only one piece of the puzzle, so choose wisely. You don't want to wake up next to a psycho money grubbing wench a couple of years down the line saying,"this is not my house, how did I get here." Sneaky like a snake.

Baby Licenses, Baby Licenses, Baby Licenses

Hey look, here is another case where "baby licenses" would have kept this poor newborn from being born in a port-o-potty. And then thrown in said portable toilet. And how, I mean really how can someone not know their pregnant?

How can you not agree with baby licensing? Make it a world wide thing too, imagine 3rd world country families with 1-2 children instead of 9. No more "feed these poor children...they have no food." Because they would actually have enough food and the population wouldn't be growing out of control. Ah but who cares, I mean earth has infinite resources and food and energy. Oh, whats that you say? It doesn't? Oh. Maybe I should rethink my selfish, self serving, over consuming. Nah, let the next generation worry about it.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Taking a piss in a CUP, beat that?

Can you think of a more obtuse and unnatural situation than peeing in a cup while someone outside is waiting for said pee?
Inevitably someday you may find your way to a job, in which they drug test you. Not under suspicion for drugs, but rather they test you before you even start working. And you have to make your way to the dreaded "Diagnostics Center". This last time I went was actually not as bad as the first time I went, when I was working for the Highway Department. They explain things to you in a concise manner as to not confuse you. Don't worry you get to wash your hands with Purell and soap a couple of times during the process(in case you got a little hasty filling up that nasty clear cup). 60ml doesn't seem like that much to fill, but make sure you are well hydrated because you don't pee as much as you think. I couldn't imagine filling 60ml worth of "other fluids" if you know what I am saying.
I understand that employers are doing these preemptive tests so they weed out all the, um....weed heads, but I feel like we should give people the benefit of the doubt. Test them when they show up to work all lethargic and red-eyed. Just my 2 cents.