Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Philanthropist vs. the Actor

While I was doing my short stint as an actor in LA, and continuing now in Texas, I always wondered about the whole dream of acting and why people choose it. First of all, if you are thinking of acting, by all means there is no better time to do it than NOW. I would save up about 10k dollars before you leave because living in LA is expensive, and that will give you some time to get ready for the whole experience.
I saw a preview for the show "the Philanthropist" which of course is not a reality show. Its a show about some billionaire that has a change of direction and decides to start helping people in his life. The funny thing about it, is that while the show is entertaining, how is it actually helping people in the world? Well besides keeping them at home for an hour at a time while they could be volunteering at their local shelter. Please let me know if they are part of some kind of program where 50% of their advertisement proceeds go to charity or something.
Also, while some actors enjoy some of the highest pay rates of anyone in the world, how many of them give their money to good causes? It doesn't matter how much you give, like they say "it all adds up." Actors aren't the only ones living it up while their fellow man lives under a bridge. Look at your parking lot outside where you live, work, etc. How many SUV's are out there? How many of those people ever take those Range Rover/Land Rovers anywhere besides the local car wash to get detailed? People are selfish. Its just a fact. And while I believe whole heartedly that some people LIVE to act. There are others in it for the wrong reasons, and they would be much better suited doing something for the world rather than being set dressing for the rest of their lives. There are famous actors in this category as well.
I guess all I am trying to say is: Make sure you are doing something you like that is actually "rewarding" to you and not just a quick way to a buck. All that emotional baggage will catch up to you someday if you are in a crap job.
Even acting can be NON selfish if you are making a movie about a subject or cause that isn't well known, thereby bringing more public attention to this cause. Comedies bring people laughter in this time of people losing their jobs. I don't know where I stand on this issue anymore:)

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