Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Harvard Professor vs. The cops

Its all over the news, and I have seen that picture of the irate College Prof. on the front porch of his own home. I think a lot of mistakes were made. If I were a cop, I wouldn't take a guy in for being angry in his own house area, unless he made threats. If I were the professor I wouldn't have gotten so angry, after all the cop was just doing his job. If some other black guy had been attempting to break down the door, or so it seemed, wouldn't you have loved for the cops to show up so they can arrest him? Thank you for saving my house kind officer. You have to understand how it looked from the cop's point of view. And you also have to understand how it looks from the african american home owner's point of view. Well I am glad its all settled down now, whats that you say? President Obama called the police officer's action stupid? Oh great, here we go again. Let a dead dog lie. Geez.

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