Monday, August 3, 2009

Woman Sues Alma Mater because she can't get work

Hey Lady, join the friggin club, I mean the 10% club of unemployment. In case you haven't heard we are in a recession.

This woman thinks that she deserves a job with her 2.7 grade point average when there are other people from her school with "closer to 4.0" averages. Get a DRIFT woman! Before I was laid off my job, I saw seasoned master Architects applying for CAD jobs that bachelor kids can do. Thats where our economy is right now. I think all the companies are going to have enough IT Managers until things pick up. I had to wait 6 months for my first job, and that was when the economy was good! Another thing you will find it out is people prefer someone with ANY experience, rather than someone with no experience. Its kind of a catch 22 I know, but thats life. PS, I could have tried harder at college, but I flunked out of one college and still got a 3.13 GPA, maybe you should try a little harder.

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