Monday, August 31, 2009

IT IS MY RIGHT....and other rants....

I wear a seatbelt, but I should not, by law, have to wear one. That is infringing on my rights. Yet here in Texas, although they have rescinded the helmet law, they still have a seatbelt law. People argue that your body could become a projectile and kill someone else in a crash, but I have yet to see any evidence of people getting killed in that way. Plus people die on motorcycles way more often with or without helmets. It is just another way the city/state likes to generate money. Hey I will always try and wear a seatbelt, and definitely a helmet, but it should be our right to choose! When you start eliminating rights like that whats to stop them from outlawing guns, cholesterol, cigarettes, everything can be shown to harm you in some way. It would be like on "Demolition Man" where in the future they have outlawed salt...haha.

Next rant, this time on "Fraud" and fraud based claims. At my place of work we are required to check the funds for any personal or business check over a certain amount. I know of someone that got fired recently because the NUMBER AMOUNT did not match the WRITTEN OUT amount. I, for one, don't believe someone who makes 7.00 an hour should have that kind of responsibility. Also why has the person who wrote the check not been charged with someone kind of fraud? Another example of this that always enrages me is when you hear about these poor minimum wage clerks that got busted for letting a minor buy alcohol with a fake ID. Give these poor people a break. Once again, how does the underage kid not get charged with fraud for making a fake ID. They just get a slap on the wrist and the clerk goes to jail. It all boils down to people not having to take responsibility for themselves.

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