Monday, August 31, 2009

IT IS MY RIGHT....and other rants....

I wear a seatbelt, but I should not, by law, have to wear one. That is infringing on my rights. Yet here in Texas, although they have rescinded the helmet law, they still have a seatbelt law. People argue that your body could become a projectile and kill someone else in a crash, but I have yet to see any evidence of people getting killed in that way. Plus people die on motorcycles way more often with or without helmets. It is just another way the city/state likes to generate money. Hey I will always try and wear a seatbelt, and definitely a helmet, but it should be our right to choose! When you start eliminating rights like that whats to stop them from outlawing guns, cholesterol, cigarettes, everything can be shown to harm you in some way. It would be like on "Demolition Man" where in the future they have outlawed salt...haha.

Next rant, this time on "Fraud" and fraud based claims. At my place of work we are required to check the funds for any personal or business check over a certain amount. I know of someone that got fired recently because the NUMBER AMOUNT did not match the WRITTEN OUT amount. I, for one, don't believe someone who makes 7.00 an hour should have that kind of responsibility. Also why has the person who wrote the check not been charged with someone kind of fraud? Another example of this that always enrages me is when you hear about these poor minimum wage clerks that got busted for letting a minor buy alcohol with a fake ID. Give these poor people a break. Once again, how does the underage kid not get charged with fraud for making a fake ID. They just get a slap on the wrist and the clerk goes to jail. It all boils down to people not having to take responsibility for themselves.

Catching up on South Park....

I am catching up on my episodes of South Park. I saw this one with the "Do you like fishsticks." It featured Kanye West who didn't get the fishstick joke. You should really watch the episode. It made fun of Kanye's huge ego. I wondered what Kanye thought of it since it really made fun of him hardcore. I found his blog and it said that he was trying to get his ego in check, and even said the episode was pretty funny. Then I saw this ad on the side of his blog....

Wow so much for "ego checking."

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Posts disappearing...update!! I'm an idiot...

They were on my review page instead of this page. I have posted them back here. Pffffeww!

Thursday, August 20, 2009


When you are on a cell phone in a public place, you are being rude. I don't care how you cut it. People are really going crazy with this bluetooth crap. I have people come up to me, and I think they are talking to me, but instead they are talking to their invisible buddy on the phone. And guess who gets the shaft when it comes to mental attention? The person here in the immediateness of vicinity. Its "Sorry dude I was checking out...." or "wait a second this person wants something..." Damn right I want something, I want my 3 minutes back that you wasted of my life. Then when the person leaves, they don't say thank you, or have a nice day, they just turn and walk away. Since when has this become socially acceptable behavior? Of course I have had a few people that do answer their phones, and apologize profusely because they don't like "those kind of people." Another thing, learn the language, don't come into a store in America and expect someone to be able to explain the HDTV switch converter box to you in your native tongue. Its not going to happen. Also another BTW, if you are one of those people that leave the bluetooth headset in at all times, even if you are not using it, you still look like a total douche. Men more so, because they can't cover it up with their hair. Just something to think about. When I see you stroll up with your Bluetooth headset in place, I know you are going to go out into the parking lot and get in your 3 series bimmer, or Mercedes 230 or Range Rover SUV. Because you are IMPORTANT, and everyone will know that:)

Saturday, August 15, 2009

WTF?!? This is why Cash for Clunkers doesn't make sense

And also SUSPICIOUSLY enough I cannot embed this video from CNN. Probably because they don't want everyone getting pissed off at their sponsors. On a related note I tried out the other day. I put in the search "sports cars under 10,0000" and the first two links that came up were SPONSORED BY GM and had nothing to do with what I was looking for. BING, no thanks, I don't need someone to make my decisions for me, especially when they are sponsored by GM.
Back to the story, a Maserati BiTurbo is going to get crushed because the owner traded it in under cash for clunkers.
I hope the link continues to work. I am sure this is not the only semi-rare gem that is going to get crushed for no good reason. Remember the EV-1's? Yeah they crushed all of those too. I don't think they were gas guzzlers.

An ebay video of another Biturbo.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Things I have noticed in Retail...

I have noticed some things, let me know if you concur with them or not.
1. Early in the morning 8:00-9:00 am people usually pay cash instead of credit.
2. Older people love bags, no matter how small the object they want that bag for it. Leading me to believe that old people are responsible for all the bags in the landfills:)
3. No body wants more credit cards. They will tell you this bluntly. If they do want a card its because they have never had a card before, or they don't speak English when I explain it to them, or they don't realize that credit is why our country is going under right now.
4. If you come to my register early in the morning with your Starbucks Latte, I seriously want to punch you in the face, because I want one, and cannot get one.
5. Everyone has heard this line before: "Well I didn't find everything...I was looking for a bag of money (or todays winning lottery ticket, or a bucket of money, or a million bucks)" Please stop saying it.
6. People who buy TV's 40" and under will show up with a minivan or Hummer or 13 passenger van. People who buy TV's 45" and above will show up with their Yaris 4dr, or Mercedes and expect it to fit across the back seat. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. Please think of how big the box is going to be first:)
7. Nearly everyone who pays with a lot of cash: Hates the government, has some conspiracy theory about the government, or is trying to fly "under the radar".
8. People who work for the government make LOTS of money, I can tell by the accessories they wear. They also don't mind waiting for things because they are getting paid regardless.
Maybe I will ad some more later.

Apple: Expensive for a reason...

Well I can't speak for newer intel macs, but my macintosh has not failed me completely yet. As I am pricing new computers and wondering whether I will buy one outright or build a PC, I see that Apples are still so expensive for what they are. I know that you are paying for all that aluminum, but they are essentially PC's now running OSX. I have a powerbook G4 and I just got finished rendering a video file from HD to 960 x 540. That took approximately 8 hours. I am running 2 gigs of ram and have a 1.25ghz processor. I don't think any other laptops from that time period would be so successful. Of course I couldn't do a full on HD file since the video was almost an hour long. It kept getting to about 16gb of file and failing in some way (i/o error, disk full, etc.). But it did well enough, and all my skits that I do are usually under 5 minutes so I can do those in full HD no problem. The H.264 codec is another issue however.
Sooner or later I will get a new computer, but will it be an Apple? Probably not, I cannot afford a 3500 mac pro with a cinema display, and thats the only mac right now that appeals to me.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Anyone who has ever been in the retail or otherwise sales business would know. There are two types of supervisors/managers/higher ups. One type while being still courteous to the customer, will not belittle the co-worker in front of him or her. The other type of manager etc, will ALWAYS take the customer's side, "always say yes" no matter what the cost to morale or otherwise. The former type of manager will have the respect of his/her co-workers because they know that they will resolve a matter that is conducive to both sides of the customer/salesmen equation. The latter type of manager will most likely get promoted at every tier because backstabbing is what comes with the territory in corporate America. And while he/she may not be liked altogether or at all, he/she will be will still be successful because he/she is a "company" person to the bitter end. This is why I was not made for the "customer is always right" business. Because NO ONE is always right. Thank you manager person for showing me that I mean nothing to you, and you will never have my back.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

CASH FOR CLUNKERS, who will pay for these mistakes

I just lost my whole post, so rather than retype it all, I will sum it up in one sentence:
Cash for clunkers is misguided, where will all the money come from, and cash for clunkers rewards people who drive gas guzzlers.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Woman Sues Alma Mater because she can't get work

Hey Lady, join the friggin club, I mean the 10% club of unemployment. In case you haven't heard we are in a recession.

This woman thinks that she deserves a job with her 2.7 grade point average when there are other people from her school with "closer to 4.0" averages. Get a DRIFT woman! Before I was laid off my job, I saw seasoned master Architects applying for CAD jobs that bachelor kids can do. Thats where our economy is right now. I think all the companies are going to have enough IT Managers until things pick up. I had to wait 6 months for my first job, and that was when the economy was good! Another thing you will find it out is people prefer someone with ANY experience, rather than someone with no experience. Its kind of a catch 22 I know, but thats life. PS, I could have tried harder at college, but I flunked out of one college and still got a 3.13 GPA, maybe you should try a little harder.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Studying for the test of funtabulation

If you believe in tests as a "measurement of scholastic intelligence" good for you. Because I do not. I am studying for the TeXES exam which is basically an entrance exam for teaching subjects in a school setting. And I am finding that this test probably falls in the same category as a the TEKS test. I am studying for questions on this test rather than studying for knowledge retention. There is no way in hades that anyone can study everything that is needed to ace the Generalist 4-8 test. I believe that you just have to know enough about every little subject to pass. I guess thats what they are going for. A broad base of knowledge. And of course right now, I am typing this blog out instead of studying. My test is Tuesday. I feel like I know Social Studies, Science, Math, and Language well enough, but I need to brush up on a lot of knowledge.
I am for knowing your subject matter intimately, but nobody can know every little bit of knowledge about those 4 subjects all at once? Also my Espresso Machine needs to be de-scaled because daddy needs his caffeine!