Thursday, June 4, 2009

Son of american man REMAINS in Brazil after 11th try

I have been following this story loosely since before the mother of this child died in Brazil during child birth. Here is the short: This man and woman were married, she is Brazilian, she goes to Brazil with the child on a "2 week vacation". While she is down there, she divorces the american man and marries a Brazilian lawyer. According to Brazilian courts they don't know how this could have happened seeing as the husband was not in Brazil to sign the papers. So this was in 2004 I believe. The whole time the Dad is trying to get his son back, because what this woman did was dishonest. Then THANK GOD, this woman died in childbirth, trying to have the lawyer's devil spawn. This was 2008, but the Brazilian "relatives" if you could call them that, refuse to give up custody of the boy still. They now say that the boy is damaged, and letting him go home after all this time would not be good for him! HA. If this is the way the legal system works in Brazil, I never want to go there. Someone would accuse me of something with no proof and I would be in prison for the rest of my life.
Check out the newest of the story:

I hope the mom is burning right now, and I hope the lawyer joins her soon.

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