Sunday, September 20, 2009

Guitar Hero/Rock Band making kids into fake musicians

This kid is a good example of why I don't really like rockband games. They need to invent a game where you play an actual instrument and get rated based on how you play. These kids think that because they get 1000's of points on games they can play the real instrument. As this kid in the clip said he 'couldn't get the hang of it'. Because there were 'too many strings' and you had to 'hit the notes'. I suggested to my friend the other day, why don't you get a electric drum set and we could actually make a band in my tiny garage. She looked at me like I was insane, "That wouldn't be as fun as Beatles Rockband." Wow. This is how far we have come. Another friend had wanted to get into mixing/ or scratching, that has now taken a back burner to Rockband World Tour. I would rather make real music, on my Garageband program. Sure it might not sound like Sergent Peppers Lonely Hearts Club, but at least I am being creative.
On a separate note, I think the last kid who broke the 1,000,000 point mark, was actually really good at the bass or guitar, I forget which one. That kid is ok in my book.

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